It's time to compare notes, friends!
What: A Tweetchat hosted by Mitel
Co-Hosts: Billie Hartless and Andy Grant of Mitel, and me
When: Thursday, July 22, 2021, from 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Eastern, US
Where: On Twitter!
Follow @Mitel on Twitter and use the #MitelChats hashtag to join the conversation!
Invite a friend and let’s compare notes!
Preview the Tweetchat!
As organizations ease into a post-pandemic era, how can leaders and employees work together to build trust and deliver great customer experiences? Come share your perspectives on leadership, communication, customer experience, and tech during this Tweetchat!
And! Because we know you love to plan... here's a sneak peek at the chat questions!
What are the biggest changes business teams have encountered over the past year? What is ahead for the next 12-24 months?
What are the most important skills for today’s global leaders? Particularly those who are leading virtual and hybrid teams?
What are the most important skills for employees who are working on virtual and hybrid teams?
What techniques should leaders use to prepare their teams for change? How can technology support change management?
How can leaders help their team members feel accepted and included in a virtual or hybrid working world? How should employees adjust their communication style?
Is building trust with employees easier or more difficult in hybrid and virtual team settings? How can technology support virtual and hybrid teams in building team trust?
Psychological safety is a new buzzword. What is it? How can leaders build it into their leadership style?
How can leaders help their virtual or hybrid teams stay focused on delivering exceptional customer experiences? How can technology help?
Communication is always important. Can you ever have too many communication tools? How do you choose the right tools?
What is your favorite way to stay connected to your coworkers? How might that change in a hybrid work environment?
How To Participate
Log into your Twitter account at the time of the chat. Follow @Mitel. Search for #MitelChats tweets using Twitter’s search function. When anyone tweets the #MitelChats hashtag, it will show up in your search results.
Continue to refresh your search results as the chat proceeds.
During the chat, @Mitel will tweet questions using the #MitelChats hashtag. Type your responses to the questions in your blank Tweet box. Add the #MitelChats hashtag to your response. Then click “Tweet.” The hashtag is important. It’s what makes your tweet visible to everyone else participating in the chat. We want to see you and your tweets!
Share, share, share! This is a great time to show your expertise, tweet about your experiences, network, and connect with others in the Twitter community. Respond, like, and retweet tweets that interest you. Have fun!
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