How does innovation change on virtual and hybrid teams? What should leaders do to foster innovation with their teams?
Here are my ideas.
Encourage creativity.
Creativity leads to innovation. Some leaders expect creativity as a standard for their team.
Communicate in ways that draw people out.
It can be easy for people in virtual and hybrid settings to sink into feeling invisible. And that’s not great for innovation.
Practice collaboration.
This can be tough in a virtual and hybrid setting. It takes great communication systems and leadership skills to collaborate really well. So practice collaborating. That's how you build toward innovation. Practice makes perfect!
Research shows that you should use tech, share information consistently, bridge cultural differences, and monitor progress.

But what else should leaders do?
That's a wrap!
And that's a wrap on season 1 of the Mitel Minute! Thank you to everyone who commented, supported, and encouraged the conversation on our first 12 episodes!
And thank you to Mitel for their sponsorship of this series!